Featured Project: Urban Rhythm, 2013

This wall was the visual centerpiece for a pop-up BMX street course organized by Red Bull, in Houston, Texas. GONZO247 painted this wall overnight and also invited over 20 other local artists to showcase their work on the walls of one of the sides of this giant warehouse. The corner was only a couple blocks from GONZO247’s art studio at the time. Taking pride in the area in which GONZO worked in he agreed with Red Bull and organizers it could use some up lifting. It had been abandoned for a very long time and needed a major facelift to brighten up this very prominent corner of downtown. Color and freshly painted mural art has been proven to reduce crime in rough areas of town. This was the motive behind wanting brighten up the walls and better the community.


Houston Is... Inspired, 2013


Holy Moley Mini-Golf Hole, 2011