Plexiglass Art: Beat Bop
Titled “Beat Bop” by Artist GONZO247.
Size: 48" x 60"
Medium: spray paint and acrylic on layered acrylic/plexiglass.
Year: 2021
Exhibited during a group exhibition titled, Collect It For The Culture III,, 1201 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002, on View Jan - Feb 2021. Over 30 Texas-based artists selected by artist and curator Robert Hodge in the areas of sculpture, photography, painting, film, and installation. Artist exhibitors occupied the space alongside accomplished professionals creating opportunities for both budding and established collections.
GONZO247's BEAT BOT artwork was an art piece of a larger window installation that featured several plexiglass pieces to create an out of this world space city art experience. The plexiglass artworks were all created individually for collectors to enjoy purchasing out of the created scene and have a piece of the overall plexiglass puzzle.
Authenticity certificate included.
To schedule an in-person studio visit to see the artwork in person please email
© Artwork & Design by GONZO247 2020 - Present Year