Featured Project: McDonald’s Ritmo y Color Art Project with Artist GONZO247, 2020

GONZO247’s artwork was used to transform a McDonald’s restaurant in the Houston Gulfgate/Pine Valley neighborhood, a community with deep Latin roots. The piece titled “Arte Sin Barreras” (Art Without Barriers) is on view now and speaks to his family’s immigrant story of setting out on an uncharted journey, crossing from Mexico into Texas in search of a new life. “The street has been my canvas for more than 25 years, and I’m both honored and thrilled to bring my art to McDonald’s in such a unique way,” said GONZO247. “Like other Latinos, my family’s story is that of perseverance and progress, so it’s important for me to celebrate the voices of my community while inspiring the next generation to dream big and keep pushing forward.”


Deloitte Office Murals, 2020